Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spies and traitors wanted.

What are men like, really?

What goes through your heads?

What the hell is up with you people?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Roleplaying I

RP Observation Number One:

If you're stuck finding a name, go to a website where you have to type in a random confirmation word in order to submit a comment.

The word that made me realize this: Ingrash. I am INGRASH, destroyer of Orcs!

More later.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


If we start to remove "Under God", "In God We Trust", etc. etc. from things in the United States, I'm wondering if it's going to set a precedent for other... stupider things.

For example, will a public school student one day be suspended for saying, "The writing's on the wall?"

I'm always puzzled by that--people don't want to acknowledge God, but they're fine with the idioms and things that have snuck into our culture that are based in Christianity.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lots of things

I'm thinking about the day, mostly. Lots happened. Here are the highlights in order.

1. I was wide awake this morning after sleeping for three hours. This is a phenomenon that occurs every time I get sick. I sleep so much to recover that my body is completely saturated in pure "rest." So I need little to none the day after I recover.

2. A man yelled at me at my job. I'm very good at being polite when this happens.

3. I enjoyed a coffee--really enjoyed it--because I didn't need it at all.

4. I actually had fun in Bio lab. My three partners and I were fumbling with fruit fly food (smelly blue stuff that looks like mashed potatoes), Vaseline, and 2L soda bottles to make fabricated environments to show how Natural Selection works. It was messy and funny, and at one point, one of us said, "Don't hit me, Mo! Gynaaa!" when we nearly spilled and ruined everything. I've never laughed in science class before... not THAT hard.

5. I got to dress up like a bee and perform a poem. It made me miss speech club.

6. I continued to write a children's story that I really think might measure up with the ones I've been studying. All I really care about it that Ada likes it, though.

7. It was 99 cent waffle cone Wednesday, and they were not out of mint chip.

There you are--7 reasons why this has been one of the best days so far this year.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Taking my own advice

"Just write! Stop thinking and write! It doesn't have to sound good; just get your ideas out there!"

Yeah, I'm not doing that tonight. Even my semi-good ideas aren't worth the ink in my pen tonight. So I'm here on blogger. I'm getting over a cold. That's probably part of why my mojo's all off. Having my head all stuffy messes with me. Man, I can't even think of much to say on a blog that's meant to be casual, conversational, and aimless. How sad am I?

Bah. I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A common theme

In so many dreams, I'm wandering through a kingdom or a city high on a cliff with violent waters below. It's romantic yet unsettling. Last night, I dreamed that a friend and I were in a kingdom like this. We wandered through the city, stepping over wet, brown rocks. The farther we walked, the more we changed. Suddenly, we were creatures that looked like a cross between a reptile and a cat.

We tried the logical thing, I suppose--walking backwards. Nothing helped. So we climbed and climbed to the top of the cliff where the castle stood. We hoped that whoever lived there could help us. An enormous komodo dragon crawled out of a hole on the side of the cliff and started to chase us, hissing loudly. We had become more agile and leaped from rock to rock.

By the time we reached the castle, a storm had whipped up. Even as high as we were, we could feel the spray of the ocean. We clung to each other, frightened by the lightning that seemed so close. We extended our hands to knock on the great doors of the castle, and they were human again.

Why do I keep dreaming of castles and water?