Saturday, December 19, 2009

Music is my life

It's used so often, mostly by people who mean to say that songs move them. They react emotionally to music, and it often helps them through the day or makes a shower/car ride/dance club more pleasant. There's nothing wrong with this at all, and it describes most people's relationship with most of their music.

I've found that we all challenge our minds with different media and use other to "escape." Some of us read books so terrible that a more suitable vocation is kindling... and then devour a truly genius film. Others chortle through Dumb and Dumber and then spend the weekend breezing through Dostoevsky's novels in a weekend for the 3rd time. Sometimes it's a combination, or it depends on the mood. My point is that--while it's not quite as isolated as I'm making it out to be--I've found that people usually have one art form that they use to exercise their mind more often than others.

"Music is my life" seems like a phrase that is best used by those who challenge themselves with music. These people often forget about the concept of classification and embrace any sound that makes them think of something they hadn't before. It's a need that goes beyond emotion. We don't eat because starvation gives us the weepies. These people aren't devoid of emotion regarding music. They just don't feel the need to gush. True artists don't always realize they're making art. I think you can apply this to enthusiasts of something as well. It comes so naturally that gushing about it never occurs to them.

There's nothing wrong with being a music lover in one way or the other that I've described. I'm closer to the former than the latter. It's just a difference I've noticed, and frankly, the term's been thoroughly diluted thanks to facebook users.

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