Monday, March 2, 2009

Back after no demand at all

I've been sick. Sorry, my 4-6 readers.

Anyway, Mardi Gras had ups and downs. The significant up was Xanadu. Even though my friend who was supposed to go with me had Bronchitis and had to cancel at the last minute, I went with my boyfriend anyway. This still has me feeling guilty. There was nothing I could have done, but she was so disappointed. If that was the wrong thing to do, I definitely paid for it, because I was bedridden for all the parades. I'm just grateful I didn't have to miss much school. I'm feeling bogged down with work already.

Something good happened today. I've been feeling guilty for another reason lately: It seems like I never really get to help others. It's not as if I never try. I've attempted to volunteer for a few things in the past year, but they always butt heads with my school or work schedule. It's hard to be philanthropic when every bone in your body tells me to take care of me at this point in my life. But this afternoon presented me with an opportunity to do something small yet satisfying. That will hopefully last me til the summer. Since I left the Catholic ranks, I've become aversed to too much guilt all at once.


  1. Philanthropy is overrated anyway.

  2. Don't do as I have done! Which is to say, help people at your own expense until there's nothing left. <: )
