Friday, May 1, 2009

Konnichi wa, can I buy you a 9$, brightly colored cocktail?

Geisha were not prostitutes. This was hammered into me long before that movie came out a couple of years back. My sister owns several books about them and loaned me some. Apparently it's hard to do research on them, because they are very secretive and are all about receiving the right kind of courtesy and humility from outsiders who want information.

What do we have in the U.S? Well, we have brothels, but they don't really have to be skilled at anything but sex and leaving when they're asked. We have exotic dancers, but that doesn't have the same amount of class. Plus, when you're with a Geisha, you're in the presence of a woman who is charming, adept in the arts and conversation, and is flawlessly polished in her appearance and personality.

Women might capture the art of conversation part when they accept a drink from a stranger at a bar. Men often complain that they spend 20$ on a girl and get nothing in return except a lot of talk and a few dances together. Bars seem like lonely places. Maybe they should just be happy for the company. Maybe there should be professional barflies who make men feel special for a few hours. For one neon drink per hour, they can be flattered, indulged, flirtatiously touched. Then they can go home, hopefully with a fatter wallet than if he had hoped for sex, and get on the internet.

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