Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I napped a lot from 2004-2006 when I had little direction, motivation, and intellectual curiosity. I's love to say that small-town living sapped those things from me, but let's face it, everyone has their stupid selfish years where little gets accomplished. Those were mine. I cooked, studied, watched Friends, and gained a lot of weight. Jake was with me in Thibodaux, and that made it much nicer. But we were both kind of wallowing in a very dangerous kind of ennui that I'm happy to be out of. Don't get me wrong; I don't consider those wasted years. I can now debone a chicken and make killer bread.

Now I'm back to where I was in high school: I do not understand napping. At all. I've pulled all-nighters and powered through the following day. Hell, I cooked and served at a benefit dinner after spending all night writing an essay and attending class all that day. It isn't easy, but it's easier then sleeping for one hour when you need 8 and trying to continue your day. I'd much rather drag on, accomplish what I need to accomplish, and get to bed at 9:30 like some old woman.

There seems to be a nap-based status message every day when I check facebook. And 7 times out of 10 that person is having trouble getting motivated after a nap. I thought they were supposed to refresh you. And what are 20-somethings doing taking naps in the middle of the day, anyway? What are we, 80?

1 comment:

  1. There once was a girl who napped not,
    Not on a bed, nor on the floor, nor on a cot.
    Cranky she'd soon become,
    Because sleep she had none,
    And her brain began slowly to rot.
