Monday, September 7, 2009

3 things of which I am sure:

1. Cheese sandwiches will always taste better right before bed when I'm not supposed to be eating.

2. I might never know enough about health care and foreign policy to have a definite opinion about it, but it doesn't stop me from trying.

3. Grammar is interesting.


  1. 1. I <3 cheese! Grilled cheese sandwhiches, Quattro Formaggi pizza, cheese on buns, cheese is good!

    2. Politics bores me to tears mostly and I think this current healthcare issue is completely retarded. Over here, everyone simply has it, it's not a question of whether or not you are applicable or not. That seems cruel to me.

    3. Though you wouldn't guess it from my usual forum posts or IRC chat, I can be a total grammar nazi. I've encountered so many native English speaking people who after years of school (I hope) still don't know the difference between "then" and "than" or "there", "their", and "they're" that I kind of lost hope.

  2. To #3... that's painful. Those kinds of things bug me, big time.

    So hey, where are you from? I've been meaning to ask.

  3. I just realized I never answered your question. lol

    I'm Dutch, hun. Born and raised in the Netherlands. ^.^
