Sunday, December 28, 2008

I wish I was Jewish. Then I wouldn't feel stupid when I said "oy."

That's a lie. What a silly reason to embrace a religion. Still, I love Yiddish.

There's nothing good here today--just a rant. First of all, I think it's stupid to hover over a toilet (unless it's one of those really really filthy ones like a port-a-potty). It's not because I don't believe in germs, either--although I was taught to wash every part of me every day including the butt. So I don't worry too much.

What really bugs me about it is that these super-anal women who just can't press their delicate bottoms against the porcelain want to screw up the next girl's day by leaving a spatter of pee all over the damn thing. What the hell are you, a dog? Did your mother teach you that it was ok to piss all over something and then not clean it up? There's soap and water to wash up after you clean up your mess. Or you could just... you know.... sit down.

Things like that annoy me--little things that scream "your time is not valuable, and I'm too important to care about inconveniencing you." Clean up your pee, pick up your trash (I know there are custodians, but why make their jobs even harder when you could learn a lesson in NOT being a lazy ass?), and just think about the people around you. It makes life so much better when people are considerate. I figure there's either a rash of inconsideration or just a whole flock of extremely stupid people who were born all in the same generation--people who don't have the mental capacity to understand that sitting in warm urine doesn't feel nice.

This isn't directed at anyone in particular. I just really needed to rant.

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