Monday, April 13, 2009


I lost a tiny bit of faith in my English teacher when she said two classes ago that she found to be a "compelling tale." Opinions aren't fact. I keep telling myself that. Still, there's a nagging pain in my head that seems to ask, "why can't everyone accept that book sucks?" During the holiday this week, Jake overheard a girl complaining about her school's reading list. "Why can't they have good books, like Twilight, instead of this old stuff?" Jesus.

I wish I could get in touch with my old high school English teacher. He gave us a great article to read by a professor who stated that everyone has the right to create a story and try to sell it. But not everyone makes good art, and there are definitely ways of telling good, well thought out literature from the bad or just plain mediocre stuff. It doesn't mean you shouldn't read it; it's just helpful to know what's art and what's simply a beach book. God, that was a good article.

And speaking of poorly-used language, if I hear one more person saying "wtf" or "jk" or "lol" instead of talking like a normal, at least moderately educated person, I might just quit the human race, rob a bank, and buy an island.

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